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Learn 5 Strategies to achieve financial freedom!

Do you wonder how to save, spend and splurge with your money? Financial Buddhi has become one of the most popular platform for individuals looking to get answers on managing money and achieving financial freedom.

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When I graduated with Master's in Computer Science, I had $40,000 in student loan and landed a job as a software engineer paying $95,000 in salary. In order to pay off my student loan early, I did the biggest mistake of reducing the 401k contribution to 0% for 2 years which meant missing out on the $11400 of free money from my employer and 2 years of head start for my retirement.

I do not want you to make the same mistake I made, so I started Financial Buddhi to provide you with financial awareness, teach you strategies that I personally use and provide you with the best tips and tricks to save, spend and splurge.

Learn 5 Strategies to achieve financial freedom

Strategies that I wish someone had taught me when I started earning.

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